Thursday, May 19, 2016


Normal = complex. And that is a good thing. 

Three years ago we asked for your prayers as Pieter was diagnosed with epilepsy, and we embarked on a detour we did not plan. Compared to many, ours has not been a terrible journey. Just sudden, unplanned, exhausting and at times nerve-wrecking... yes wrecking... holding your convulsing child through a seizure is no fun. But we found a "new normal" - a ridiculously confusing term, really, for what in the world does "normal" look like?

But today he had his 4th and final EEG, which confirmed 100% normal brainwaves. We are so thankful for the Lord's strength which has been made perfect in our weakness. We are thankful for each of you who prayed for us, asked about Pieter, embraced the complexities of his diet, offered encouragement and wisdom from experience, sat with me, cried with me, affirmed the tears as normal, and treated Pieter as a normal kid... 

Today as I watched the EEG map Pieter's brainwaves into a mass of pretty chaotic amplitudes and frequencies, I asked the technician a question:
"So that's normal?
"Perfectly normal," she replied. 
I smiled with relief as understanding dawned. The massive multitude of variables confirmed what I have suspected for a long time - normal is clearly a very complex concept.

1 comment:

  1. I am OVERJOYED to read this :) <3 God is so good!


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